How to Use Flowy to Optimize Different Areas of Your Company

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 11 de julho de 2024
  • 2min de leitura

Flowy is a powerful process automation tool designed to bring efficiency, accuracy, and control to various areas of a company. If you’re looking to streamline your operations and achieve new levels of productivity, Flowy is an excellent platform choice. Where to Use: Surveys Collecting feedback is essential for understanding customer satisfaction and identifying areas for […]

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How Flowy Can Be a Solution for Carbon Footprint Control in Your Company

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 7 de março de 2024
  • 2min de leitura

Companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability as a pillar of business success stand out in the market. Reducing your carbon footprint therefore becomes a strategic necessity for your business. Your Ally on the Sustainable Journey Flowy is an ideal tool to help companies create and control a carbon footprint management plan. Through its comprehensive […]

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A complete solution to efficiently manage your business with savings

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 22 de fevereiro de 2024
  • 1min de leitura

Finding efficient and affordable solutions to optimize your business management is essential. Flowy stands out as the ideal tool for companies looking to boost their growth. Flowy is a comprehensive platform that offers various functionalities to automate and optimize your business processes, from creating forms and collecting data to organizing workflows and tracking activities. Key […]

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Flowy: The automation tool that you don’t need to know how to code to use

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 8 de fevereiro de 2024
  • 2min de leitura

In an increasingly digital world, automation has become crucial for companies that want to stand out. But the implementation of automation tools often comes up against an obstacle: the need for technical knowledge in programming. That’s where Flowy comes in, an innovative tool that allows you to automate tasks and optimize processes without writing a […]

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Automate repetitive tasks and free up your time for what’s most important

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 25 de janeiro de 2024
  • 2min de leitura

Task automation can free up employees’ time so they can focus on more strategic and value-added activities. It can also help reduce the risk of errors and ensure that processes are executed consistently. Flowy is a tool that can help businesses automate tasks quickly and easily. With Flowy, you can create custom workflows to meet […]

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Flowy: Digital transformation with zero coding

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 20 de abril de 2023
  • 1min de leitura

Flowy is a dynamic tool with high adaptability to the operational process and tasks of each company. With it you can create forms, organize processes, collect data, create integrations, monitor your team’s activities, control documents and analyze data on a single platform. A solution to collect data in a simple way using web access, mobile […]

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