Automate repetitive tasks and free up your time for what’s most important

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 25 de janeiro de 2024
  • 2min de leitura

Task automation can free up employees’ time so they can focus on more strategic and value-added activities. It can also help reduce the risk of errors and ensure that processes are executed consistently. Flowy is a tool that can help businesses automate tasks quickly and easily. With Flowy, you can create custom workflows to meet […]

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Flowy: Access Indicators in a Simple and Intuitive Way

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 14 de dezembro de 2023
  • 2min de leitura

Flowy is an automation tool that offers the possibility of generating indicators in a simple and intuitive way. Indicators are essential instruments for monitoring and improving processes. They provide information about the performance of processes, allowing companies to identify areas of opportunity and take corrective action. Flowy makes it quick and easy to create indicators. […]

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Five Advantages of Using Flowy in Businesses

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 23 de novembro de 2023
  • 2min de leitura

Flowy is a process automation tool that offers a range of advantages for businesses. Here are five of them: Increased Productivity Flowy can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up employee time for more strategic activities. This can lead to a productivity increase of up to 30%, according to Gartner research. Improved Efficiency By automating processes, businesses […]

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Flowy: Digital transformation with zero coding

  • FlowyAdmin
  • 20 de abril de 2023
  • 1min de leitura

Flowy is a dynamic tool with high adaptability to the operational process and tasks of each company. With it you can create forms, organize processes, collect data, create integrations, monitor your team’s activities, control documents and analyze data on a single platform. A solution to collect data in a simple way using web access, mobile […]

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